Balance Body Chakra Using Pranayama And Yoga

According to Ayurveda and Indian traditional yoga, there is seven energy in our body, which is called Sapta Chakra. Chakras should be awakened to achieve all Siddhis. Siddhis can be attained along with mental health and soundness if we consider the Chakras from time to time, man gets strength, and there is knowledge of accomplishment.

Chakras for BeginnersThere are seven chakras in our body, Muladhara, Swadhisthan, Manipur, Anahata, Vishuddhi, Ajna and Sahasrara. Normally, all our energy is Muladhara chakra (above the senses). This energy will be drawn up by the control and focus of the breath. As we lift the energy up each chakra, miraculous changes begin to appear in our personalities.

In Ayurveda, many asanas, pranayama, meditation, yoga, and sadhana have been described to describe the ways to awaken or to balance these chakras. For simplicity, this article is referring to yoga and pranayama for everybody's chakra.

Yoga for Chakra Balancing

What is the Yoga for knowing the Sapta Chakras and awakening and energizing the powers within them? Each yoga awakens one or the other chakra. Let us know in detail about the relation between Yoga and Saptachakras.

Balance Body Chakra Using Pranayama

First Chakra: Muladhara Chakra

The positive achievements of Muladhara Chakra are elation, enthusiasm, and growth. Negative qualities are lethargy, inactivity, self-centeredness (selfishness), and being influenced by one's physical desires.

Location: It is at the lowest surface of the spine between the genitals anus and penis.

This chakra is related to the feelings of fear within you, which are especially related to food and money. Somewhere it is also related to the fear of existence. By awakening the Muladhara Chakra, you become physically more alert, you feel safer than yourself.

If your Muladhara chakra unbalances, you may get some signs, such as depression, anxiety, frustration, high blood pressure, or kidney problems.

To Balance the Muladhara Chakra

Sit on the ground, keep your waist straight and your shoulders back. Try to relax your body and close the eyes and take deep breaths. Breathe in through the nose, move it as low as you can in the body… After that, exhale the breath. Focus your attention on the place where the Muladhara Chakra is present, this place is just below your spine. Do you start feeling cramped at that place? If this is the case, you should open your eyes slowly and spend some time with yourself before starting the day. If you do this activity every day before starting your day, then within a few days you will start to feel the difference in your gestures, things, and nature.

Yoga And Pranayama For Muladhara Chakra

It balancing by Yogasana, which removes the filth of the body. Such as Tadasana, Swastikasana, all Warrior poses, Paschimottanasana such asanas, and Nadi Shodhana Pranayama create mental physical peace and stability. After all, you should be controlling indulgence, sleep, and sex also.

Second Chakra: Swadhisthan Chakra

The Swadhisthana Chakra, which is located slightly above the Muladhara Chakra and below the navel and is also called the center of the lower abdomen, is an indicator of our second level of development.

The Swadisthana Chakra produces a variety of sexual inter-currents in association with the testicles or ovaries, which are associated with the reproductive chakra.

Physically Swadisthana Chakra controls fertility, mental creativity, emotional joy, and spiritual eagerness.

This chakra is symbolically symbolized by 6 petals with lotus, with each petal representing 6 negative characteristics and that 6 negative features - anger, hatred, disharmony, cruelty, desire, and pride.

Yoga And Pranayama For Swadhisthan Chakra

It is balanced by Yogasana, which is related to the abdominal organs. Such as Reclined Triangle pose as well as hip-opening asanas like Malasana, happy baby pose, and lizard pose, and practicing Kapalbhati Pranayama shows creativity and positivity in your personality.

Third Chakra: Manipur Chakra or solar plexus chakra

The Manipur Chakra is the third chakra of the Chakra concept of Tantra and Yoga practice. Mani means jewel and Pur mean place. It is situated behind the navel. Due to its base element Agni, it is also called 'Agni' or 'Sun Center'.

The Manipur Chakra is situated behind the navel. Its mantra is rum. When our consciousness reaches the Manipur Chakra, then we conquer the prohibitive aspects of Swadhisthana. The Manipur Chakra has many valuable qualities such as clarity, confidence, joy, self-confidence, knowledge, intelligence, and the ability to make the right decisions.

The representative color of this chakra is yellow. Its representative animal is the ram (Aries). Its corresponding element is fire. solar plexus chakra insignia is a lotus with ten petals. It symbolizes the ten pranas (powers) that control and nourish all the processes of the human body. Its second symbol is a triangle with a downward vortex. It signifies the spread, origin, and growth of energy. The gods of this chakra are Vishnu and Lakshmi. Vishnu is the symbol of the emerging human consciousness. Lakshmi is a symbol of physical and spiritual prosperity.

Manipur Chakra mantra is "RUM".

Yoga And Pranayama For Manipur Chakra

Especially asanas and twisting postures performed at the bottom of the navel immediately balance our nostrils. You will surprise by trying this sensible experiment on yourself.

· Dhanurasana

· Bhujangasana(cobra pose)

· Parvritta Trikonasana (revolved triangle pose) 

To balance the Manipur Chakra, one has to concentrate on the navel area and imagine the yellow color emanating from there. It is advisable to wear yellow clothes or sit in a yellow room while pranayama and meditating.

Skull-Shining Breath Or Kapalabhati Pranayama and Pranayama of Bhastrika should be practicing to balance the Manipur Chakra.

Fourth Chakra: Anahata Chakra

Anahata is the fourth chakra of the Chakra concept of Chakra Tantra and Yoga practice. Anahata means eternal.

This chakra is located in the middle of the chest and near the heart. Its mantra is Yama.

The purer your Anahata Chakra, the more quickly your wish will fulfill. The gods of this chakra are Shiva and Parvati, who are symbols of consciousness and nature.

The symbol of the Anahata Chakra is a lotus with twelve petals. the 12 divine qualities are- ecstasy, peace, orderliness, love, cognition, clarity, purity, unity, compassion, kindness, forgiveness, and surety. In its second insignia, two triangles are drawn in asterisks. The top of one triangle indicates upward and the other indicates downward.

Yoga And Pranayama For Anahata Chakra

Meditating perception of a specific chakra is the best way to balance that chakra. The sitting of yoga in the position of Garudasana (or in the posture of Garuda) or Gomukhasana (or in the posture of the cow pose) balance the Anahata Chakra.

Ujjayi Pranayama should be practicing to balance the Anahata Chakra.

Fifth Chakra: Vishuddhi Chakra

The Vishuddhi Chakra or the Throat Chakra is behind the gorge. This chakra gives the highest spiritual realization and is inhabited by all the siddhis.

It is also called 'Blue Pran Shakti' in spirituality. In spirituality, it is considered a symbol of purification of the soul, so people associated with this chakra or who have awakened this chakra are purified from mind and soul and only think about it. Identifying such people is also easy. They are very good and effective speakers.

Yoga And Pranayama For Vishuddhi Chakra

The practice of Sarvangasana, Halasana, Jalandhar Bandha, and Matsyasana is helpful to awaken the Vishuddhi chakra. Surya Namaskar is an exercise that must be done at the beginning. And the practice of pranayama is very important for the awakening of the chakra. You use both body and mind for cultivation, so the practice session must be selected correctly, you must know the correct sequence so that you can reap the full benefits.

Ujjayi breathing and Bhramari pranayama (bee breathing) can balance Vishuddhi Chakra. 

Sixth Chakra: Ajna Chakra or Third-Eye Chakra

According to Hindu tradition, the Ajna chakra is the sixth root chakra. By meditating, there is a feeling of having a command cycle, Agya means order.

The obedient chakra is located in the center of the forehead between the eyebrows. It is not part of the physical body but also a part of the pranic system. The location makes it a sacred place where Hindus put vermilion to pay homage to it.

Yoga And Pranayama For Ajna Chakra or Third-Eye Chakra

Yoga poses that target the third eye Dolphin pose (Ardha Pincha Mayurasana) and restorative yoga poses like Child’s Pose (Balasana) and Cow pose(Gomukhasana) help you balance and purify the Ajna Chakra or Third-Eye Chakra.

Anulom Vilom Pranayama – Alternate Nostril Breathing pranayama balances the flow Ajna Chakra.

Seventh Chakra: Sahasrara Chakra or Crown Chakra

The Sahasrara Chakra is the seventh primary chakra of the subtle human body. This chakra rests on top of the head above all the chakras and thus, name the crown chakra. Sahasrar is a Sanskrit word meaning a thousand feathers.

The mantra of this chakra is - Om. To awaken this chakra, you have to meditate while chanting Om mantras. The mantra with the Ajna chakra is also practicing in this chakra.

Yoga And Pranayama For Sahasrara Chakra

Some yoga should be practice to balance the Sahasrara Chakra.

· Headstand (Sirsasana)

· Rabbit Pose (Sasangasana)

· Corpse Pose (Savasana)

· Half lotus (ardha padmasana)

Kapal Bhati (skull shining breath technique) and Nadi Shodhana Pranayama are suggest to balance the Sahasrara Chakra. With the balancing of the Sahasrara Chakra, we get to know our real conscious form and it is a full blossom of personality.
